Bruce Wilds is an independent businessman and licensed general contractor that owns real estate in the Midwest, his holdings include apartments, retail space, and office complexes. He has invested in several businesses and traded both commodities and stocks for several decades. Wilds considers himself well anchored to reality and the economy as he maintains, designs, and leases buildings. His work has made him keenly aware of rapidly changing lifestyles and trends in new business formation. The not for profit blog he maintains incorporates many of the experiences and knowledge garnered from his hands-on business style, extensive travels, and studies of history, politics and economics.
Bruce Wilds is also the author of the book “Advancing Time”, the book focuses on how the ever quickening pace of change impacts today’s society and the massive challenges it creates. He feels that it is crucial we understand that we are living in a unique era the likes never before experienced by past generations. History viewed in the framework of mans time on earth forms the crux of this somewhat radical perspective. Journeys from the beginning of man to our current state helps us make sense of our fast changing chaotic world. Advancing Time illuminates the responsibilities society faces. Used as a tool Wilds wrote it with the hope it would help clarifies the choices before mankind, guiding and giving hope to those who want to have a positive impact.
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